Western Nghe An area of land suitable for many diverse crops. In particular, there are 13,000 ha of land under the Phu Quy zan fertile areas suitable short-term industrial trees, fruit trees and long days. Western Land trongcao su, oranges, tea, sugarcane, cassava, pineapples are high yield. Therefore, create conditions for developing strong western industrial plants is a solution to match economic and social poverty and get rich quick degiam.
Under the economic plan period 2011 - 2015 of the province, the Western focus on priority development projects of rubber. By the end of this period, striving to reach 22,660 ha. Business area 5860 ha, dry latex products 8200 tons. Currently, the total of the whole area was 8577 ha (planting of additional 1,100 hectares in 2011, mainly due to Rubber Company as an investor).
 Exploitation of natural rubber in Nghia Dan
The units, households in the area clear rubber for high economic performance: advantages of exports, once exploited for decades, the same unit area for higher efficiency compared to sugarcane and other industrial plants. The survey yields new rubber-like 13.1 kg / ha of dry latex is fairly average yield, compared to both new nuoc.Huong, outside of Nghia Dan, Quy Hop our province SEMO rubber-growing area to Que Phong, Anh Son, Thanh Chuong, Tan Ky and midland districts are not planted or planted where little.
The second most powerful of the West as sugar cane as raw material. In areas outside Quy Hop Sugar Factory Sugar Factory also has the Son River (Tan Ky) and Lam River (British base) xuatchua current production capacity design. Recent period, the sugarcane has enriched thousands of farmers in the region. The area of highest (2008) dadat 28,000 hectares, 1.63 million tons of output. Unfortunately, in recent years by victims grass shoots, decreased productivity, area shrink, fall in output.
As of 2011, the area of sugarcane was 23,313 hectares and total production estimated at 1.44 million / 1.65 million tons. Plan in 2011-2015, the province is considered as plant cane and planning strategies to stabilize the 29 000 ha intensive len65 yield t / ha, yield 1,931,490 tande security requirements three sugar mills and employment, increasing income for farmers in vung.Thu three is the tea, has long been identified as poverty trees, enriched in midland and mountainous low. Currently the province has an area of tea reached 8834 ha area of 6,000 hectares for the production of 60,000 tons ..
Private Company Limited a member of Investing Nghe An Tea Development has 7579 ha of raw materials; have formed the focus of materials such as Chilled 4,200 ha, 1,800 ha Anh Son, Con Cuong 400 ha. Ability has been open: Chilled determination planting 1,800 ha 5,000 ha of tea Deon; Anh Son district will grow to 1,200 ha and huyenCon Cuong will grow to reach 1,800 ha ...
2015 goal to reach 12,000 ha; business area 9744 ha. Strive to raise the average yield to 110 kg / ha (now new 95 kg / ha). So as a member Company Limited Investment and Development has expanded its tea varieties like high-yield varieties PH LDP2 change, no longer appropriate. Also LDP 2, 3 varieties planted tyda chedac The product is Hung Dinh Bach, United Japan Kim and Mr. Long. Thanks to new varieties of tea and incentives, many areas have reached capacity of 12 tons / ha of fresh buds.
On the other hand tea industry has been investing in technology for processing high quality. Currently the region has 8 tea processing factories large and small with a capacity of 148 tons / day. Which has 6 wires black tea CTC chuyenche capacity 76 tons / day, 6 blue line processing capacity of 112 tons / day. Besides tens of mi nio processing of raw materials in some areas. Nghe An Tea has been on the U.S. market, Japan, China, Taiwan, Pakistan, Kuwait, Iran, Iraq, Kenya, England, Germany ... Export turnover in 2009 reached 9 million. In 2011, $ 66 million in export of agricultural products, manufactured goods reached U.S. $ 10.5 million and plans to 2015 will produce 107 thousand tons, more than half the output current.
In addition to three major crops on the orange trees, cassava and pineapple remains an important position. Currently only 1,600 hectares of pineapple, but by 2015 will increase to 3,000 hectares, enough for concentrated pineapple plant Quynh Chau, is striving Nangnang pineapple capacity to 45 tons / ha to ensure that about 562 thousand tons in in 2015.
Cassava is the most easy-tree, stand on the land, including land hills, bad and shallow layer farming cassava products is relatively stable consumption. Therefore, the raw lieuda to 9,000 ha. But because food crops identified land, yet highly effective design hoachden 2015 should remain in the area, 4,000 hectares of raw lieuthuong frequently enough for 2 plants and Yen Thanh Thanh Chuong. Does not extend the area but will note hontham soup, because the current yield reached 33 tons / ha, while many Central provinces had reached an average of 40 tons / ha.
In addition, orange trees remains an area of 2,000 hectares in 2015 vungcho. Today the West is committed to reach an average of 300 tons / ha will raise the average yield of 45 tons / ha. Also on the balcony local coffee plantation to 1,000 ha of land is exploited.
Industrial crop lands is consistent with the average slope, thickness of arable land in midland and mountainous provinces of the western low-land is our most precious red basalt Phu Quy. In general land is limited, but productivity is still low, all the trees have to improve productivity and quality to participate in exporting. In intensive farming that today is the lack of irrigation systems and processing plants to enhance the value of goods. |